By Sekasa2016 In Uncategorized No comments

Outdoor advertising is considered to be one that uses public places to develop, and is an effective means of capturing the attention of potential customers and clients, on a greater number of occasions, while they move.

There are two major types of outdoor advertising: fixed and mobile. Inside the first one are the fences, the posters, or the luminous panels installed on the sidewalks.

On the other hand, mobile outdoor advertising is what is done through advertising elements installed on means of transport.

Outdoor advertising is an excellent complement to advertising campaigns made in other media because it maximizes coverage, creates notoriety and alludes to the brand, is ideal for campaigns with broad coverage, is productive and profitable.

The message in outdoor advertising must be totally visual and highly creative, with direct and simple texts so that they can be understood with a single glance, that complement the image perfectly and allow the message to be associated more easily with the product and the brand.